Basics of Computer Networking

Basics of Computer Networking

This article covers basics of computer networking before getting started with the DevOps and computer networking.


3 min read

Hello everyone, I welcome you to the blog where I'll share about my sneak peeks of my DevOps journey and introduction to basics of computer networking. So let's start this blog

History of Internet

The Internet started in 1960s as a way to share information between research organizations. The computers were large and immobile. In order to share information one had to travel to the computer and or have magnetic computer tapes sent through a conventional postal system.

Another reason behind formation of INTERNET was the cold war which was happening between Soviet Union (USSR) and USA. When USSR had launched Sputnik satellite which led the US to lag behind on the information which made way for the creation of an organization called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). This network evolved into what we now know as INTERNET. In early stage it was only limited to few organizations. In response to this other networks were created to share information.

January 1, 1983 is the birthday of INTERNET. The Transfer Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol was established as a communication protocol as standard way to communicate between various computer networks.

Client Server Architecture

in this architecture, Client send an request to the server and server sends the response back to the client.

For example, if you type in your computer, the request will be made to Google server which in turn gives a response back to the client.


Protocol is basically a set of governing rules on how two connected devices communicate with each other similar to the way we speak in a similar language to understand each other.

The most common protocols are HTTP, Telnet, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.

IP Address

The IP addresses are unique number which is given to identify a device on the internet or local internet.

Here's an example of IP address:

Port Numbers

Port numbers are used to determine which service/ application to send data to. Port Numbers are basically 16 bit numbers which is 65,536 which refers to being 65,535 port numbers being available.

The well known ports are HTTP : 80, SSH: 22.

Reserved Ports: 0 - 1023, Application Ports: 1024 - 49,151 and the remaining ones can be used by us i.e from 49,152 to 65,535.

Now lets see different types of Computer Networks.

Local Area Network: LAN is a group of computers connected to each other in a small such as Building or office.

Metropolitan Area Network: MAN is a network that covers a larger area by interconnecting different networks to form a larger network.

Wide Area Network: WAN is a network that extends over a large geographical area such as states or countries.

Now let us see about Modem and Routers.

Modem: Modem is a device which is used to convert digital signals to analog signals and vice versa.

Router: Router is a device which routes the packets to the intended IP address.

Functions of a Router:

1) Managing the traffic by sending the date to the intended IP address.

2) Allows multiple devices to connect to the same network.

With this I'm finishing my blog. Special thanks to Kunal Kushwaha who taught me and encouraging me to learn in public, this blog was written with intention to help. Any suggestions are appreciated since this is my first blog. I'll be updating more blogs with respect to DevOps. So, stay tuned.
